ICT is the technology required for information
processing, in particular, the use of electronic computers, communication
devices and software applications to convert, store, protect, process, transmit
and retrieve information forum anywhere, anytime.
There are three
different between NOW and THEN, before the era of computer begins; the
ENIAC was the first high-speed, digital computer capable of being reprogrammed
to solve a full range of computing problems.
- 51 feet in length, 8 feet in height,
and 5 tons in height (automatic control circuit calculator)
- Huge
- Mainly used vacuum tubes to do its
- 150 feet in length, 10 feet in height,
and 30 tons in weight (ENIAC)
- Simple calculation for trade in manual
- Unable to differ between high- value
- Entertainment (newspaper)
- Verbal communication àSimple
drawing picture à Mechanical calculator
- Destroy very specific target without districting
the surrounding area
- High vision and more attractive
- Education (e-learning)
- Entertainment (online movie)
- Telecommunication
Evolution technology
- ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator
and Computer)àUNIVAC (Universal
automatic computer) Vacuum tube
(electronic tube about the size of the bulbs) tube à Transistor
à Integrated
circuit (small devices use to transfer electronic signal across a resistor)à
CPUs (central processing units) à
- Personal computer à
Laptop, smartphone, and tablet
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