Tuesday 27 September 2016

Unit 4: Activity 3: VIew of Internet censorship

Internet censorship is the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published, or viewed on the Internet. Recently, Internet abuse was spread out anywhere, immediate action should be taken, Internet censorship. Restriction on Internet freedom continue to expand across a wide range of countries. This is because user can access Internet via anywhere such as cyber cafes, mobile phone, and etc to do the criminal. Therefore,  cyber cafe rules have established, which requires the owners to photograph their customers, set up their cafes so that all computer screens are in plain sight, and keep copies of client IDs and their browsing histories for one year. 

To enhance the security in school, Department of telecommunication of Utem have establish Internet filter. By licensing requirements, users have block by used illegal website. However, uses of social media such as Facebook or Google always be an issues.  

Saturday 24 September 2016

Unit 2: Activity 3: Which operating systems do you use

I prefer use, iOS systems. IOS is Apple's proprietary mobile operating system (OS) for its handheld devices, such as the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The operating system is based on the Macintosh OS X. It designed for use with Apple’s multi-touch devices, iOS supports input through direct manipulation. The system responds to various user gestures, such as pinching, tapping and swiping.

Benefits of iOS is:

1. Generates less heat when compared to Android
2. Best gaming experience
3. Vast number of applications
4. Suits for business and gaming
5. Excellent UI and fluid responsive
6. Latest version has two notification menus
7. Excellent security
8. Multitasking
9. Jailbreaking for customization
10. Wearables are getting launched

Thursday 22 September 2016

Unit 3: Activity 2: Types network hardware

Types network hardware

Routers - connect multiple computers or other routers together and transmits data to its correct destination on a network.

Switches - a network device with multiple parts in one network those task is to copy frames from are part to another.

Network Interface Cards (NIC) - a network cards enable a computer or device that does not have built-in networking capability to access a network.

Unit 3: Activity 1: LAN vs WAN

LAN, which stands for local area network, and WAN, which stands for wide area network, are two types of networks that allow for interconnectivity between computers. As the naming conventions suggest, LANs are for smaller, more localized networking — in a home, business, school, etc. — while WANs cover larger areas, such as cities, and even allow computers in different nations to connect. LANs are typically faster and more secure than WANs, but WANs enable more widespread connectivity. And while LANs tend to be owned, controlled and managed in-house by the organization where they are deployed, WANs typically require two or more of their constituent LANs to be connected over the public Internet or via a private connection established by a third-party telecommunications provider.

Standard for         
Local Area Network
Wide Area Network
Local areas only (office, school)
Large geographic areas (citiies, states)
Local Area Network is a computer network covering small geographic area, like school, and office areas
Wide Area Network is a computer network that covers a broad area that any network communicate cross regional or metropolitan
High speed (1,000 mbps)
Less spend (150 mbps)
Data transfer rates
Network in office building
Connected each LAN at any distance via telephone lines and radio waves
Computer connected to wide area network through public network, such as telephone system or satellites
Layer 2 devices like switches and bridges. Layer 1 devices like hubs and repeaters
Layers 3 devices Routers, Multi-layer Switches and Technology specific devices like ATM
Data Transmission Error
Maintenance costs
Relatively small
Higher costs

Unit 2: Activity 2: Share how you normally manage your files in your computer. Compare with the feedbacks from others too.

As we are work with documents, presentations, graphics, and other files all day. And then how much time do you spend looking for files for files that you worked on? There will be a better way to stop the clutter: manage files more effectively. As managing files on computer is a lot of managing paper files, if don’t organize well, data will difficult to identify and find.
Here is the way we manages our files, store all of data in a single location. Mostly, it documents folder built into Windows. Windows 10 in recently will locate file at Local Disk C or D (drive C or D). As Windows 10 refers to this folder as User’s Files, and it will typically allowed us found when we labelled with username. Within this default folder we will find multiple folders here with names like My Pictures, My Music and My Videos. This encourages us to group similar file types together. This structure not only makes it easier to locate your files quickly.   
Secondly, we create shortcuts in desktop. This will easier to keep files properly organize and easy to access. Instead of copying a word document to your desktop for quick and easy access. This will avoid unnecessary file duplication while at the same time keeping in your files where they belong. Plus, if we accidently delete the shortcut from desktop, you don’t have to worry about recovering the files.

Third, group projects components together. You can store the similar project into a single folder. As students are often given task, and mostly solved by groups, for anyone working in particular project, regardless of their role on the project, will notice whatever they needed. 

Unit 2: Activity 1: Snap a picture of a computer hardware component and label it accordingly. Try to explore additional types of computers or any computing devices.

1.     Snap a picture of a computer hardware component and label it accordingly. Try to explore additional types of computers or any computing devices. 

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Unit 1: Activity 2: Vision of what ICT would be like in the future (i.e. 20 to 30 years from now)

Information and communications technology (ICT) refers to all the technology used to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent building management system, audio-visual processing and transmission systems, and network-based control and monitoring functions Although ICT is often considered an extended synonym for information technology (IT), its scope is more broad ICT has more recently been used to describe the convergence of several technologies and the use of common transmission lines carrying very diverse data and communications types and formats. For a further 20-30 years there will be a haptic technology. Haptic technology is a feedback technology (using computer applications) that takes advantage of the user’s sense of touch by applying force, vibrations and/or motions to the User. Simple haptic is used in game controllers, joysticks and steering wheels and is becoming more common in Smartphones. Haptic is gaining widespread acceptance as a key part of virtual reality systems (i.e. computer simulated environments) - adding the sense of touch to previously visual-only solutions. It is also used in virtual arts, such as sound synthesis, graphic design and animation. There are many possibilities for Haptic to be applied to gaming, movies, manufacturing, medical, and other industries. Imagine your doctor operating on you in Cairns from his computer in Brisbane or ‘feeling’ the texture of clothing for sale on the internet or interacting with a hologram. Haptic technology has the potential to create new industries in the future.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Unit 1 :Activity 1 :Describe three key differences of ICT-based devices of NOW and THEN (e.g. 80’s, 70’s)


ICT is the technology required for information processing, in particular, the use of electronic computers, communication devices and software applications to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information forum anywhere, anytime.

There are three different between NOW and THEN, before the era of computer begins; the ENIAC was the first high-speed, digital computer capable of being reprogrammed to solve a full range of computing problems.

  • 51 feet in length, 8 feet in height, and 5 tons in height (automatic control circuit calculator)
  • Huge
  •  Mainly used vacuum tubes to do its calculation

  • 150 feet in length, 10 feet in height, and 30 tons in weight (ENIAC)

  •  Simple calculation for trade in manual
  • Unable to differ between high- value

  • Poor vision

  • Education (peer-to peer)

  •  Entertainment (newspaper)
  •  Verbal communication àSimple drawing picture à Mechanical calculator

  • Destroy very specific target without districting the surrounding area
  • High vision and more attractive
  • Education (e-learning)
  • Entertainment (online movie)
  •  Telecommunication

Evolution technology
  •  ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)àUNIVAC (Universal automatic computer)  Vacuum tube (electronic tube about the size of the bulbs) tube à Transistor à Integrated circuit (small devices use to transfer electronic signal across a resistor)à CPUs (central processing units) à IBM

  •  Personal computer à Laptop, smartphone, and tablet